
Whistleblower's musings... Then some trivia. Write to me at ranjanyumnam@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Cannibalistic dreams
I often see dreams in which I am a cannibal. Just yesterday, I had one such dream. Though I am a quiet and peace-loving person, in my dreadful dreams, I am a monster who kills people, rips thier bodies apart, gulps down blood, and cooks the flesh. Sometimes, I also skin the the victims. These cannibalistic dreams keep recurring, but I don't know why I see them, and what they mean. If anyone has any clue, please let me know.

Bad dreams apart, a few days ago, I read an article about the real cannibals of the Democratic Replublic of Congo. Two tribes are at war in that African country. Nothing unsusual about it; tribal and inter-racial conflicts flare up everywhere in the world. But, the conflct in Congo is terryfying for one element: cannibalism. The warriors capture and kill each other, the victims ending in a cooking pan.

Eliza Griswold went to the cannibalism-hit war zone to find out the truth. One of the survivors told her, "They cut off my arm and took it outside where they had made a fire. They cooked it, while they were drinking our mandro, and ate it with the rest of the beans and rice." The fighters kill only the men, which they make a meal of, and rape their women, for which they set up special camps. (I wonder why women always have to pay for their men's depredations).

This is not the first time cannibalism has been reported in Congo. Historically, the white colonialists were believed to be fond of African flesh. They killed the African natives for consumption in such large hordes, that sometimes they "never managed to eat all the flesh so they saved the rest in tins, like corned beef."

Fortunately, I am a cannibal only in dream.