
Whistleblower's musings... Then some trivia. Write to me at ranjanyumnam@gmail.com

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Everybody seems to be having a blog of his own. Especially in the western countries, blogging has become a part of one's life, so much so that one is not considered to exist if he doesn't have a blog address. But, the reason why I have decided to blog is entirely different. When I need to get across my views, I have to write 900 words to fit into the format of an article for publication in a website or a newspaper. I find this rule quite inconvenient, sometimes due to lack of time, or because all ideas are not worth turning into a major essay. At best, they are just a little seed of a bigger idea, and I want to present them as they are -- not as a half-baked gibberish. With the constraint of word limit gone, I would be also able to publish anytime whatever that strikes my mind, from anything significant to highly trivialistic. I am the king in my blog; I don't have to worry about the big brother breathing down my shoulders. A condition which just suits me, a freespirit as I am. Welcome to my world.